Effect of Organisational Justice on Teaching Professionals’ Performance: Pre and Post Covid
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The concept of “organisational justice” has gained much attention due to the effect of the pandemic caused by Covid-19. Highly invested educators work more to help their institutions succeed academically. The purpose of this research is to compare the performance of the educators before the pandemic and after the pandemic and the adoption of measures related to the pandemic. The study will give attention to the analysis concerning the idea of organisational justice. Quantitative research techniques were used for this investigation. Three hundred teachers’ levels of dedication were measured over time using a well-known instrument to examine the relative shift brought on by the Covid-19 epidemic in India. Student’s “t-test and ANOVA” was employed to evaluate the information derived from the survey data. The survey included respondents’ gender, marital status, education level, years of work experience, and length of employment at the businesses under study. After schools began implementing efforts to combat the Covid-19 epidemic, a decline in teacher effectiveness was found, as measured by quantitative analysis. Significant findings allow the researchers to draw conclusions and provide suggestions.