Education Physiology Influence of Teacher Innovative Behaviour on Students’ Academic Self-Efficacy and Intrinsic Goal Orientation
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This study aimed to investigate the impact of teachers' creative practises on pupils' senses of competence and motivation in the classroom within the context of government high schools in Karnataka. The experiment aimed to investigate the link between creative teaching strategies and student achievement. practices and students' perceptions of their own academic capabilities and their orientation towards learning for the sake of personal growth and mastery. The research used a mixed-methods strategy that combined quantitative and qualitative techniques methods. A sample of students from multiple government high schools in Karnataka was selected using stratified random sampling. In the quantitative phase, standardised surveys were administered to measure pupils' confidence in their own abilities and motivation to succeed in school, as well as their perceptions of innovative teacher behaviour. The surveys utilised established scales with good reliability and validity. The qualitative phase involved in-depth discussions with a selection of students to gather detailed insights into their experiences with teacher innovation and its potential influence on their academic beliefs and attitudes. Additionally, interviews were conducted with teachers to understand their perspectives on innovative practices and their perceived impact on student motivation and engagement. The findings of this study indicated There is a strong beneficial link between teachers' creative practises and their pupils' academic success. self-efficacy. Students who perceived their teachers as more innovative tended to report higher levels of confidence in their academic abilities. Moreover, there was a notable association between teacher innovation and intrinsic goal orientation, suggesting that students with innovative teachers were more likely to display an orientation towards learning driven by personal interest and mastery rather than external rewards. Qualitative analysis of interview data provided nuanced insights into the specific innovative teaching practices that students found particularly motivating and impactful. These practices included project-based learning, interactive classroom activities, the integration of real-world applications into lessons, and the use of technology to enhance learning experiences. The implications of this study underscore the importance of teacher innovation in fostering positive pupils' confidence in their own abilities and motivation to succeed in school. Government high schools and educational policymakers could benefit from incorporating training programmes and support mechanisms that encourage teachers to adopt innovative teaching strategies. By doing so, schools can create an environment that not only enhances students' academic experiences but also nurtures their motivation and orientation towards lifelong learning. In conclusion, this study contributes to our understanding of the role of teacher innovation in shaping students' academic beliefs and attitudes. It offers valuable insights for educators, school administrators, and policymakers aiming to create a more engaging and effective learning environment in government high schools in Karnataka and potentially in similar educational contexts elsewhere.