Published: 2023-08-29

Justice Under the Rainbow: Embracing Diversity in Posco Act, 2012

Dr. Anju Choudhary, Ms. Rupali Mehta, Mehak Dalla


Human Resource Management Strategy In Implementing Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE)

Hari Yeni, Mansyur Ramly, Syahrir Mallongi, St. Sukmawati


Clinical Efficacy Of Alternative Therapy For Adenomyosis

A.M. Doshchanova, A.S. Tuletova, L.K. Smailova


Market Authorization Process for Medicinal Products in Eurasian Economic Union Council

Rohit, Dr. Neelam Pawar, Hanumant Alias Abhishek Garg, Sanjeev, Rahul


Impulse Buying, The Self Reward….

Dr Vyas Vishwanathan


Use Of Smartphone And Cognitive Distortion: A Correlational Study

Mohammad L Roubi, Sushma Rathee, Dr. Pradeep Kumar


An Analytical Study Of Solah Sanskar: Bridging Ancient Traditions And Modern Science

Dr. Rashmi Shrivastava, Akanksha Shrivastava, Mr. Shubham Verma


.Narratives Strategy in Philip Roth's American Pastoral

A. Bhavanisoundhar, Dr. A. R. Thillaikkarasi


Optimizing Cloud Computing Performance with Advanced DBMS Techniques: A Comparative Study

Janardhana Rao Sunkara, Sanjay Ramdas Bauskar, Chandrakanth Rao Madhavaram, Eswar Prasad Galla, Hemanth Kumar Gollangi


Towards Quantum-Enhanced Cloud Platforms: Bridging Classical and Quantum Computing for Future Workloads

Lakshminarayana Reddy Kothapalli Sondinti, Srinivas Kalisetty, Tulasi Naga Subhash Polineni, Nareddy abhireddy

492 - 504

Physiological Effects Of Yoga

Dr Santamati Dash, Dr. Madhusmita Dash


COVID-19 and Its Impact on Agriculture: Challenges and Adaptation

P.R. GIRISH, Dr. R. Gopalakrishnan, Dr. Sajini S


Image Of Love In Meet Me In Green Glen

R. Nivedha, Dr.D. Shanmugam


A Study on E Recruitment in the Confederation of Global Innovators

Er.G.V.Hariharan, Dr.L.Prakash, Dr.A.Vikraman


Harvest Of Tragedy In Anita Brookner’s Dolly

P.Abinaya, Dr. G. Aruna Devi

2041 - 2043

Factors Influencing To Attend Entrepreneurship Development Programmes

Mr. Karthik. N.L., Dr.Thirunarayanasamy .M


Building Of The Structural Equation Model Of Badminton Player’s Variable Direction Ability And Its Radiance To Sports Teaching

Mr. Shivaprasad T S, Dr. A. Kaleb Rajan, Dr. N. Cinthia Jemima, Dr. X. Christy

2462 - 2470

A Review On Computer-Aided Drug Design And Discovery

Sushant M. Ahire, Shivraj P. Jadhav, Vijay V. Shewale, Prerana S. Pawar, Aditi M. Kokande, Dhanashree P. Sonawane, Dhananjay M Patil


Prevalence Of Shaktism In Hindu Bengali Community

Mrs. Ipsita Chakraborty, Dr. P. Ganesan


Bioethanol Production From Shorea Robusta Seeds By Using Chemical Pretreatment

Rajkumar Choukikar, Satish Mohabe, Nidhi Pateria

2423 - 2428

Development and Assessment of Orodispersible Tablets Utilizing Natural Superdisintegrant.

Onkar Doke, Gaurav Jain, Jyotiram Sawale, Phoolsingh Yaduwanshi


AI-Powered Predictive Systems for Managing Epidemic Spread in High-Density Populations

Tulasi Naga Subhash Polineni, Nareddy abhireddy, Zakera Yasmeen


Herbal medicine as a source of DPP-4 inhibitor for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

Kuldip Kumar Savita, Raghuveer Irchhiaya, Roopam Kushwaha


Analysis Of Psychological Factors Affecting The Sports Performance

Abhishek A. Lambat, Dr. Suhas R. Tiwalkar


Women's Leadership Styles: The Development Of Islamic Higher Education

M. Hasibuddin, Rostinah Rayong Arifin, Abdul Rahman Mus, Yusri Muhammad Arsyad


Aggression And Psychological Well-Being In Relation To Companion Animals Among Young Adults

Dr. Neerja Pandey, Dr. Seema Rani Sarraf, Pravarthika Raghavan L G


Real Estate Investors Perception towards Investments

Dr. T.Tamilmathi, R.Shanmuga Priya


Development And Characterization Of Liposomes Containing Relugolix

Mr. Dattahari R. Kaudewar, Dr. Shivappa N. Nagoba


Effect Of Ionizing Radiation On Complete Blood Count Among Medical Radiographers: A Comparative Study

Dipika P Baria, Aditi Malhotra, Fatima Khan, Munindra Pratap Singh


Drop-Out Prediction in Higher Education Using Imbalanced Multiclass Dataset

Juan Antonio Contreras Montes, María Claudia Bonfante Rodríguez, María Andrea Chamorro


Radiation Dose Absorption In The Human Body: A Comprehensive Analysis

Ahmad Dilshad, Khan Mohd Usman, Diwakar Shailendra Kumar, Piyush Pandey, Gupta Shubham


Communication Support And Physiologic Monitoring For Hemiplegic Patients Using Smart Glove

KaviPriya G, Manju Bargavi B, Manojini R, Roshini N, Mrs. Nithya C, Dr. Yuvaraj V


Comparative Study Of Triphala Ghrita Aschyotan And Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose Eye Drop In Dry Eye Syndrome.

Dr. Sarita Santosh Mulik, Dr. Santosh Shivaji Mulik, Dr. Surya Prakash Gupta


Understanding Role of Psychosocial Factors in Management of Hypertension - A Review Article

Kajal Jain, Renu Mahendra, Ankur Singh, Rinku Bishwas, Ruchi Biswas


Role Clarity's Impact On The Relationship Between Human Resources Practices And Intention To Leave, An Empirical Study Among Call Centre Personnel

Suguna Sinniah, Chandrakantan Subramaniam, Johanim Binti Johari, Zainab Rawshdeh, Mohd Fairuz Bin Md Salleh


Discovering the Holistic Benefits of Yoga: The Rise of Alternative Therapy

Mr. Sashikanta Khuntia, Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Panda, Mr. Chandan Kumar Mohapatra


Reconceptualizing Chronic Rhinosinusitis : An Organon-Inspired Homoeopathic Prespective

Dr. Neeta Sharma, Dr.Anjali Thakur, Dr. Iitika Khatri, Dr. Kanchan Atoliya, Dr. Khushboo Yadav, Dr. Mohammed Sallaudin

2540 -2542

Blind Nasal Intubation Technique In Parotid Carcinoma Patient: A Case Report

Novendi Rizka, Dedi Susila, Prananda Surya Airlangga


A Comparative Study On Stammering And Dysfluent Speech

Dr. Rinku Bishwas, Dr. Dibyansh Kumar Singh, Dr. Ruchi Biswas


Parental Perspectives on the Impact of ReAttach Therapy on Dental Care for Children with Autism

Dr. Sahana.S, Dr Suresh Bommaji, Dr. Srivani Mallikarjunaramesh, Dr. Amita Rao, Dr. Venu Naidu.B, Dr K.V. Lokesh


Profile Of Vaginal Discharge Among Reproductive Women- A Hospital-Based Cross-Sectional Study

Sriandaal Venkateshvaran, R. Rajakeerthana, Sudhir Ben Nelson B.T, K.S.Chitra


An Experimental Investigation to Assess the Efficacy of cognitive behavior therapy for Depression in Teenagers.

Bharat Kumar, Dr. Sonia Tewari, Sagi Hemanju, Sakunthala T, Himani Lohani, Arshleen Kaur, Vanitha Gopalan, Ghousiya Salma Begum


Virtual Rehabilitation and its Impact on Drug-Addicted Patients

Niaz Mohaideen. C, Sajeesh Sudarsanan, Adeena Haja, Noor Mohamed Rasik. B, R Revathi


Neuropsychology Anxiety and Its Relationship with Chronic Stress in an Adult Age

Natarajan Shanmugasundaram, K. S. Arun Narayan Pradeep, Divya Balachandran, Prathima P, Rathi R K


Advancing Medical Aspects of Healthcare Systems of Clinical Psychology in India

Aamina Hussain, Shruti Bhimrao Tayade, Abirami Srinivasan, Saranya Sivalingam, Noor Mohamed Rasik. B


Efficacy of Dry Needling in Dentists with Non-Specific Shoulder Pain

Tushar J Palekar, Sneha Nemade, Soumik Basu, Pramod Palekar, Preeti Shrisunder


Effect of H-ABT Therapy on Fatigue and Depression among Adolescent HIV Patients- An Experimental Study

Kankshi vetkar, Pooja Motar Sublok, Prashant Mukkannavar, Veena Bembalgi


Workplace Factors and Employee Indifference: Psychological Role of Burnout as a Mediator

Merlin B Joseph, F J Peter Kumar, A G Sudha, Joychen Manuel


Emotional Intelligence in Predicting Academic Achievement Among Medical Students in Saudi Arabia

Nurjahan Begum Shahbuddin, Abdul Wahab Pathath, Maryam Ahmed Alomair, Ashwag Ahmed Almethen, Sayed Ibrahim Ali


Analysing Successful Entrepreneurs Psychological Well Being, Emotional Health and Mental Disorder

S. Thangamayan, N R Vembu, Yogesh Chauhan, K. Maheswari, John E P, G Divakara Reddy


Significance of Stress-Busting Workshops in Reducing Psychological Distress and Improving Mental Health Among Corporate Employees

S. Thandayuthapani, M. Felisiya, Sunny Dhaliwal, Kirti Sanjay Dorshetwar, Melanie Lourens, Parul Sharda


Socio -Psychological Factors Empowering the Women to Join Self-Help Groups

S. Sangeethapriya, Ashu Tomar, Gunjan Sharma, Renuka Deshmukh, Boominathan R, Seema Bhaskar Saindane, Anurag Shrivastava


Education Physiology Influence of Teacher Innovative Behaviour on Students’ Academic Self-Efficacy and Intrinsic Goal Orientation

Mohd. Talib Ather Ansari, Shashikant G Rokade, Gunjan Sharma, P. Ravi Kumar, K. Maheswari, Hina Hasan


Enterprise Human Resource Management Model by Artificial Intelligence to Get Befitted in Psychology of Consumers Towards Digital Technology

K. Maheswari, P. William, Gunjan Sharma, Firas Tayseer Mohammad Ayasrah, Ahmad Y. A. Bani Ahmad, Gowtham Ramkumar, Anurag Shrivastava


Regression and Correlation Analysis on Profitability of Working Capital (WC) and its Psychological Impacts on Entrepreneur & Employees

Anup Kumar Srivastava, John E P, Bhadrappa Haralayya, Gunjan Sharma, Renuka Deshmukh, G. Thamaraiselvi


Students Psychology towards Bridging the Gap between Academia and Corporate

Pravin Namdeo Thorat, Subrahmanya Bhat, Namita Chawla, Simi Sharma, Jyoti Singh


Teachers' Psychology Towards the Adoption of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 - With Reference to Management Institutes

Jyoti Singh, Jasbir Kaur, Rajendra Subhash Jarad, Jyothi Pawar, Archana H Patil


The Influence of Family Background, Psychology and Perceived University Support Towards Self-Employment Intention among Public University Students in Malaysia

Asmaul Husna bin Haris Fadzilah, Wan Mohd Hirwani Wan Hussain, Mohammad Naim Ismail, Farha Zafira Agos Lokman, Mohammad Mujaheed Hassan, Muhamad Hafiz Hassan


Bungai Jarau as a Psychology tool for Comunication among the Iban Community in Sarawak

Noria Anak Tugang, Ngalih Tingi, Hipolitus Kristoforus Kewuel, Kadek Yudi Astawan, Matthew Malong Bill


Manual and Motion Therapy Learning Media Developmenton Augmented Reality based Shoulder Injuries

Cerika Rismayanthi, Wara Kushartanti, Yudik Prasetyo, Sugeng Purwanto, Abdul Alim, Yulvia Miftachurochmah


Self-Defeating Behaviour and Its Relationship with Cognitive Distortion among Jordanian People

Basem Mohammed Al-Frehat, Ali Saleh Jarwan, Haitham Yousef Abu Zaid, Omar Mustafa Alshawashreh


Analysis of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument's Psychometric Properties among Malaysian University Students

Chua Bee Seok, Walton Wider, Jasmine Adela Mutang, Shazia Iqbal Hashmi, Murnizam Haji Halik


Psychology: Personality Traits and Self-Injurious Behaviors in Secondary School Adolescents

Jimenez Cajahuaman Patricia, José Antonio Manco Chávez, Jorge Antonio Crisóstomo Olivares, Nancy Barazorda Puga, Reynaldo Campos Saravia, Jeannina Del Alva Huaman Carhuatocto


Unveiling the Psychological Realities: Remote Working and Post-Pandemic Job Performance of Customs Brokers – SUNAT 2022

Aldo Fernando Rejas de la Peña, Eddy Ronald Diaz Salvatierra, Yrma Rosa Godoy Pereyra, Deyvis Salamanca Oviedo Sutta


Management Evaluation of the QALIWARNA Program, in Educational Institutions - UGEL 03 Breña

Aldo Fernando Rejas de la Peña, Eddy Ronald Diaz Salvatierra, Yrma Rosa Godoy Pereyra, Leonor Alcira Durand Espejo de Benites, Mónica Liliana Agüero Ynca, Elita Hoyos Muñoz


A Comparative and Psychological Study Between Indonesian and Malaysian on Society’s Intention to Use the Eps

Lim Kim Yew, Poh Kiong Tee, Tan Owee Kowang, Ling Chai Wong, Alvin Naldo Grady


Knowledge and Awareness on the Role of Occupational Therapist in Oncology Care: A Cross-Sectional Study among Saudi Arabian Students and Healthcare Providers

Senthil Vadivel, Munirah Alsubaie, Nawaf al Anazi, Christopher Amalraj V, Paramasivan Mani, Suresh Melamalai, Abdulmaniem Albader, Abdullah Alessa, Rakan Alheliby, Abdullah Almodairas, Raju Suresh Kumar


Psychological Study on Attitude of Collegiate Students towards Sahaja-Yoga Meditation.

Pankaj Pethe, Vivek Sahu, Deepti Taori Sathe, Sophia Ansari


Management of Healthy Psychosomatic Personality Through Yoga

Vivek Sahu, Pankaj Pethe, Sophia Ansari, Deepti Taori Sathe


Challenging Male-Controlled Norms: Exploring Mental Psychological and Physical Impacts of Abuse in Marriages and the Quest for Gender Equality

Kumaraswamy, Jyotish Kumar Gupta, Garima Singh, Samikshya Madhukullya, Anton Joseph, Tessy Thomas


Impact of Surrogacy Advertisement on Consumer Psychology

Sanjay Dharmadhikari, Ashutosh Narayan Misal, 3Dr. Amar Prabhakar Narkhede, Neelam Raut, Sandip Sane


Management of Difficult Airway in Pediatrics with Laryngomalacia

Disa Edralyn, Arum Kristiana, Kohar Hari Santoso


Factors influencing Job-hopping Behaviour in Malaysian Construction Sector

Walton Wider, Syarifah Mastura Syed Abu Bakar, Natasha Dzulkalnine, Abidah Saad, Muna Wadhiha Mohd Fauzi, Zhao Hui Ong


Is Menstrual Leave Improvising the Social Psychology towards Women Employees’ Basic Human Right

Nituja Singh, Jyotish Kumar Gupta, Arvind Gupta, Pankaj Dwivedi


Systematic Literature Review: What Is Your Fancy in Selecting Teachers, Broad Vs Narrow Traits?

Azad Iqram Nadmilail, Mohd Effendi Ewan Mohd Matore, Siti Mistima Maat


Unlocking the Power of Psycholinguistic Theory: How the Think-Pair-Share Technique Enhances

Nguyen Thi Kim Anh, Đinh Thi Mai Anh, Tran Thi Thu Trang, Nguyen Thi To Hang


Effect of Yoga Therapy on Neurological Characteristics in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy : Neuro Health Perspective

Sudhan P, Babu Subbiah, Narendran Rajagopalan, Rajeev Sukumaran, Janaki G, Ananthan B


Mental Health Status of Dentists in an Indian Metropolitan City during the Post-Lockdown Period of the Covid-19 Pandemic – A Cross-Sectional Study

Rohan Shinkre, Ishan Mukherji, Souma Mukherjee, Aarya Bharadwaj, B.K Srivastava, Shruthi Eshwar


Correlation of Study Habits and Achievement of High School Students

D. Jackuline, A. Edward William Benjamin


Learning History Through Social Media at the Higher Secondary Level

D. Jackuline, A. Edward William Benjamin


The Creation of Commodity Sokasi using Local Products in Bali Made from Bamboo Stem Fiber Composite

Nyoman Arya Wigraha, Djoko Kustono, Tuwoso, Dwi Agus Sudjimat


The Experiences of Teaching Professionals in Private Institutions during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Basis for Proposed Stress Management Program

Fate Gwyneth D. Anciro, Alyssa Maera D. Amahit, Cymer Justine D. Baltazar, Fritz Gerald G. Martin, Mylah Sison, Michelle B. Siggayo


Exploring the Impact of Tabata Protocol among Manila Police District Personnel

Anna Leigh B. Botones, Shobie Roselle S. Vicente


Awareness, Knowledge and Implementation of Gender and Development Concepts and Activities of CAPSU Sigma Faculty, Staff, and Students

Jhonnel J. Abalajon, Annalie G. Campos, Ginalyn J. Obien, Roselyn P. Cabantud, Leizl S. Alfonso, Ramy Lloyd L. Lotilla, Sofronio O. Hervias Jr., Jenny B. Murguia,


Motivations in Criminal Justice Volunteerism

Kristelle Ann R. Torres, Hanna Betinna O. Ilagan, Christy Liane R. Niem


The Effects of Folk Culture Tourism in the Pandemic Situation

Fan Jie, Nawal Hanim Abdullah, Syamsul Herman Mohammad Afandi, Nitanan Koshy Matthew


Spirituality and Psychological Wellbeing During Pregnancy and Childbirth: A Review of the Literature

Manar Abu-abbas, Ibrahim R. Ayasreh, Yasmeen Abu Sumaqa, Sajeda Alhamory, Tamador Raked Al Tarawneh, Mohammad Othman Abudari, Haitham Khatatbeh, Suad Sadi Jakalat





Impact of Sex Appeal in Advertisement on Consumer Psychology with Reference to Personal Care Products

Mayur Dilip Jaybhay, Suvarna Suhas Sathe, Nilesh Anute, Sandip Sane, Dhananjay Deshpande




Psychological Outcomes of Online Education in Lieu of Faculties Mental Perspective

Deepak Som, A. Udaya Shankar, Kirti Agarwal, Tosendra Dwivedi, Gunjan Bhutani


Analysis of Investigative Competencies in Professional Teacher Training

Patricia Cárdenas Maurolagoitia, Héctor Raúl Santa María Relaiza, Edgar Ricardo Yauri Rivera, Giancarlo Roosvelt Contreras Moreno, Katherine Talía Ganoza Salazar


Transphobia Against Students in Metropolitan Lima: Qualitative Study

César Darío Roncal-Benites, Luis Alberto Núñez-Lira, Cesar Israel Francisco Ochoa-Velasquez, Carlos Alberto Villafuerte-Miranda, Carlos Andrés Gil Jáuregui


Influence of Educational Management to Improve Formative Feedback and Investigation Skills

Fabiola Magdalena Félix Quispe, Nancy Elizabeth Alberca Pintado, Johnny Félix, Farfán Pimentel, Ruth Melania Ccanto-Curo, Lizbeth Giovanna Toribio Alejo


Effect of Incentive Spirometer on Breathing Holding Time After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

Waheeb Bakur Hennawi, Amr Ahmad Fallatah, Ahmad Mohammed Alzahrani, Abdullah Othman Nasseeb, Eyad Jamil Maddawi, Majed Abdulrahman Alghamdi, Faisal Ali Alqarni, Haidar Asim Alsayedali


Development of a Qualitative Evaluation Tool for Stand to Sit

Hyun-Sung Kim, Young-Jun Shin, Seong-Gil Kim
