Effect Of Ionizing Radiation On Complete Blood Count Among Medical Radiographers: A Comparative Study
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Background: Long-term ionizing radiation exposure may harm human cells, particularly the peripheral blood cell count. Changes in a radiation worker's hematological parameters could be a sign of the health impacts of ionizing radiation.
Methodology: The Department of Physiology at G R Medical College and J A Group of Hospitals in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, conducted a comparative study on medical radiographer staff. To compare the haematological parameters of medical and non-medical radiographers, an independent sample t-test was employed, and logistic regression was utilized to discover associations.
Results: The average radiation exposure ranged from 3 to 40 years. When comparing the groups, the demographic details were statistically unimportant (p>0.05). In a Pearson correlation of haematological parameters with duration of radiation exposure, it was discovered that platelet count, Hb, MCV, and MCHC concentration were negatively associated with duration of exposure, whereas RBC, WBC count, and PCV were positively associated with duration of exposure, but none of the parameters were significantly associated (p>0.05).
Conclusion: It is advised that radiology professionals to be monitored more accurately at shorter intervals and that individualized dosimeters be more exact and up to date.
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