Disillusionment in Love and Marriage: An Analysis of Anton Chekhov's Selected Short Stories

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Naina Phogat


This paper explores the recurring themes of love, marriage and interpersonal relationships in the works of Anton Chekhov. Through a detailed examination of selected short stories, including Love, A Trifle from Life, The Husband and Not Wanted the analysis delves into Chekhov's portrayal of romantic and marital relationships as complex and often fraught with psychological tension. Chekhov's narratives, characterized by a distinctive blend of dry wit and stark realism, focus on the emotional experiences of individuals within these relationships rather than the external circumstances that strain them. By highlighting the inner lives of his characters, Chekhov offers insights into the emotional and cognitive landscapes of individuals navigating the challenges of love and commitment. This study underscores Chekhov's nuanced approach to character development and his profound understanding of human emotions, which have made his stories a critical focus for discussions on the nature of personal relationships in modern literature.

Article Details

How to Cite
Neha, & Naina Phogat. (2023). Disillusionment in Love and Marriage: An Analysis of Anton Chekhov’s Selected Short Stories. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s(2), 2191–2192. https://doi.org/10.53555/jrtdd.v6i10s(2).2849
Author Biographies


Department of English, OSGU, Hisar

Naina Phogat

Department of English, OSGU, Hisar 


Bloom, Harold. Anton Chekhov. Infobase Publishing, 2009.

World's Great Selected Short Stories. ed. Jainco Publishers, 2015.

Purves, Mark Richard. “Marriage in Short Stories of Chekhov.” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture. Purdue University Press, Vol. 16, Issue: 3, 2014