Status and Challenges of Inclusive Education in India: A Comprehensive Analysis

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Ms. Sonia Anant Kamat


This thorough analysis provides a nuanced view of India's progress towards educational inclusion by examining the state and difficulties of inclusive education in the country. The report recognizes the government's initiatives and the increasing dedication to diversity in the educational system, and it highlights the progress made in the direction of inclusivity. Nonetheless, enduring obstacles impede the complete achievement of inclusive education, such as deficient infrastructure, a scarcity of qualified teachers, and cultural beliefs that sustain marginalization.

The analysis highlights the significance of cooperative efforts across governmental entities, academic institutions, and communities while identifying important areas for improvement. It promotes more financing for infrastructure improvements, the establishment of comprehensive programs for teacher preparation, and the necessity of changing public attitudes to foster an inclusive culture. Notwithstanding the challenges, the report is hopeful.

The report is upbeat about India's path towards inclusive education in spite of the obstacles, acknowledging the possibility of revolutionary change through policy improvement and community involvement. It calls on all parties involved to confront obstacles and cooperate in creating an educational framework that genuinely meets the various learning requirements of all Indian students.

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How to Cite
Ms. Sonia Anant Kamat. (2023). Status and Challenges of Inclusive Education in India: A Comprehensive Analysis. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s(2), 1862–1867.
Author Biography

Ms. Sonia Anant Kamat

Assistant Professor, Rosary College of Commerce & Arts, Navelim Goa & Ph.D Research Scholar, Goa University. 


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