Challenges Faced By Pupils With Hearing Impairment And Teachers In Using Kenyan Sign Language In Public Primary Schools In Kenya
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Consistent poor academic of learners with hearing impairment in national examinations prompted this study. The study established problems faced by pupils and teachers in the use of Kenya Sign Language (KSL) in regular primary schools in Western Kenya. Specific objectives were; to investigate the influence of availability of trained teachers on the use of KSL, establish the influence of adequacy of educational resources on the use of KSL, and determine the influence societal stereotypes and negative culture on the use of KSL. Research design was Ex- post facto. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected.12 Head- teachers, 93 class room teachers and 108 pupils with hearing impairment were selected using saturated sampling technique, being a sample size of 213 respondents. Questionnaire and interview schedule were data collection instruments.Quantitative and qualitative data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics and as emerging themes respectively. The study established a significant relationship between challenges faced using KSL during learning and teaching in special needs education at p=0.03<0.05, therefore, it was concluded that challenges faced by learners with HIand teachers in using KSL significantly influences academic performance. The results are important as they indicate hindrances to effective use of KSL as a medium of instruction in schools.
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