Open Educational Practices among the B.Ed. Trainees in Colleges of Education
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Open Educational Practices are advanced online teaching-learning resources in higher Education. Now-a-days, the B.Ed. Trainees are using technological oriented learning tools for their classroom learning. Moreover, the B.Ed. Trainees are creating a learning situations viz., self-learning, group-learning and other activities through digital technological tools. Open Educational Practices are providing more advanced educational applications software for their learning. For ex: Mobile learning, Zoom App, Google meet, SWAYAM, etc. Today’s B.Ed. Trainees will be the future Teachers of Tamilnadu. They must be developed the Technological skills, self-learning skills, peer tutoring skills, and data communication through digital tools. The B.Ed. Trainees are receiving the innovative technological learning tools and free online application software by digital apps. Open Educational Practices will provide the learners’ learning skills, pedagogical knowledge and skills and data sharing through digital technological tools. In future classroom, the learners will improve their technological group tutoring skills, learning techniques, software handling techniques. In that context, the study is more warranted. The investigator has adopted a normative survey method. A Sample of 198 B.Ed. Trainees were as selected by using a simple random sampling technique in this study. The study found that the level of Open Educational Practices among B.Ed. Trainees is found to be at average. No significant difference was found in the Open Educational Practices mean score with respect to Gender, Optional Subjects, and Type of management of institutions.