Psychological Elements Employed in Train Wrap Advertisements in the Delhi Metro to Maximize Recall Rates and Its Effect on Positive-Negative Thinking of Customer

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Himani Sharma, Kuldeep Siwach


The present research seeks to determine the psychological features and elements contributing to elevated recall rates in train wrap advertisements. Advertising on train wrap is a cost-effective way for reaching many people in cities, but improving the recall rate is vital for a successful campaign. This research finds essential features that unavoidably result in higher recall rates via an in-depth examination of present train wrap advertising. The study made utilizes qualitative methods, such as data from surveys gathering, analyzing the content of advertisements, and analysis of statistics. Recall rates are greatly impacted by significant traits like strong images, brilliant colors, clear advertising, concise language, and relevance in the context. This research provides an important addition to the area of advertising providing helpful details about the features that make train wrap advertisements more effective and assisting managers in adjusting their advertising efforts for optimum audience participation and storage.

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How to Cite
Himani Sharma, Kuldeep Siwach. (2023). Psychological Elements Employed in Train Wrap Advertisements in the Delhi Metro to Maximize Recall Rates and Its Effect on Positive-Negative Thinking of Customer. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s(2), 226–234. Retrieved from