The correlation analysis between the estimation of VO₂max using the Harvard step test, Queens' college step test, 90-90 Queens' college step test, and the measured VO₂max value from Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPX)
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Introduction: The maximal oxygen uptake (VO₂max), indicative of cardiorespiratory endurance, is typically assessed using Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPX) with a metabolic cart, a method limited by its high cost and technical requirements. Alternative step tests, like the Harvard Step Test, Queen’s College Step Test, and the modified 90-90 Queens College Step Test, offer simpler assessment methods. This study examines the correlation between these step tests and CPX for VO₂max estimation.
Objectives: This study aims to investigate the correlation between predicted VO₂max(pVO₂max) obtained from the 90-90 Queens College step test, Harvard step test, and Queen's College step test with CPX VO₂max measurements
Methods: Eighteen male college students in their 20s underwent VO₂max evaluation using CPX and the three step tests. The novel 90-90 Queens College Step Test was included, which adjusts step height to individual body dimensions, potentially enhancing estimation accuracy. Pearson correlation analysis was used to compare the step test results with CPX measurements.
Results: Significant positive correlations were found between CPX VO₂max measurements and pVO₂max values from all step tests, with the 90-90 Queens College Step Test showing a higher correlation. This suggests better accuracy in VO₂max estimation through individualized step height adjustments.
Conclusions: In conclusion, the 90-90 Queens College Step Test offers reliable pVO₂max with consistent exercise loads, making it a preferable choice in situations where CPX equipment is unavailable. Nevertheless, this study has limitations, such as relying solely on Pearson correlation analysis and a small sample size. Future research should aim to overcome these limitations to further enhance the understanding of studies related to VO₂max.
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