Predictive Abilities Of Metacognitive Strategies In Solving Creative Problems Among Gifted Students

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Jehad Abed R.M. Turkey


The study aimed to identify the predictive abilities of metacognitive strategies in solving creative problems among gifted students at King Abdullah Schools for Excellence in Jordan. In order to collect and analyze the sought-after data for this study, a descriptive analytical approach and structured quantitative analysis were employed. 113 secondary school students were randomly chosen for the study sample. The metacognitive thinking and problem-solving scales were administered to the study sample. The students demonstrated excellent levels of metacognitive thinking and problem-solving abilities, based on the collected data. Likewise, a strong correlation between metacognitive thinking and original problem-solving was found. These findings underline how critical it is to provide training in metacognitive techniques within a structured educational environment. To smooth efficient knowledge transfer to gifted students, the study recommends metacognitive strategies be implemented in creative problem-solving, supply of material and technological resources, implementation of teacher education courses, and development of an environment-supporting infrastructure. The study offers insights into the significance of metacognitive thinking in developing gifted children' problem-solving skills.

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How to Cite
Jehad Abed R.M. Turkey. (2023). Predictive Abilities Of Metacognitive Strategies In Solving Creative Problems Among Gifted Students. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s(2), 1499–1505.
Author Biography

Jehad Abed R.M. Turkey

Department of Educational Psychology. College of Educational Sciences, Tafila Technical University, 


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