Quality Of Sibling Relationship And Psychological Well-Being In Adults: Impact Of Sibling Dyad

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Dr. Jeronimo D’Silva
Dr. Vijay Viegas
Dr. Joslyn Henriques


Family is said to be the foundation of an individual and is an indispensable part of one’s life. Families include a bunch of relationships such as marital relationships and intergenerational relationships like parents, grandparents, and siblings. A positive and healthy sibling relationship in the family plays a vital role in elevating one’s overall well-being, self-esteem, and satisfaction with life. Earlier research on the outcome of sibling relationship quality has highlighted the significant part played by siblings throughout lives. Healthy sibling relationships help an individual to develop compassion in life and appropriately resolve conflicts.  For the present study, through a convenient sampling method, we enrolled a total of 120 adults in the age group of 18-55 years from Goa, India, having siblings. Further, we divided the sample as per sibling dyad, i.e. same-sex siblings (sister-sister or brother-brother) and opposite-sex siblings (sister-brother or brother-sister). The tools used for data collection included the lifespan sibling relationship scale (Riggio, 2000) and the Warwick-

Edinburgh mental well-being scale (Scottish Executive National Programme, 2006). We used Karl Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation to study the relationship between the quality of sibling relationship and the psychological well-being and an independent sample t-test to examine significant differences as a function of sibling dyad in adults. Our results indicate a strong positive correlation between sibling relationship quality and psychological well-being in adults. We also observed significant differences in the quality of sibling relationship and psychological well-being as a function of sibling dyad.

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How to Cite
Dr. Jeronimo D’Silva, Dr. Vijay Viegas, & Dr. Joslyn Henriques. (2023). Quality Of Sibling Relationship And Psychological Well-Being In Adults: Impact Of Sibling Dyad . Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(10s(2). https://doi.org/10.53555/jrtdd.v6i10s(2).2506
Author Biographies

Dr. Jeronimo D’Silva

Department of Psychology, Rosary College of Commerce and Arts, Navelim, Goa, India

Dr. Vijay Viegas

Abbé Faria Post Graduate Department of Psychology, St. Xavier’s College, Mapusa–Goa, India.

Dr. Joslyn Henriques

Department of Psychology, Dhempe College of Arts and Science, Miramar-Goa, India.


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