The effect of Psychodrama on Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms in Abused Adolescents: A Single Case Study
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This study aims to verify the effectiveness of psychodrama therapy on the post-traumatic stress symptoms experienced by adolescents of child abuse. In this single case study, the participants were separated from their families, were living in a shelter, and complained of post-traumatic stress symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and sleep problems. The cases were analyzed through quantitative analysis based on pre- and post-comparative analysis using post-traumatic stress and anxiety scales, and qualitative analysis was done through behavioral observation and interview analysis. As a result, the post-traumatic stress scale score of adolescents who had experienced child abuse decreased from 39 points to 5 points, and the anxiety scale score declined from 27 points to 13 points. In behavioral observation, the participant first became aware of the emotions and body reactions caused by the triggers, so that cognition, emotion, and body sensation were integrated. Second, when a physical reaction occurred during a traumatic scenario, the range of emotional tolerance expanded through grounding, centering, and training, and the physical symptoms were reduced. Third, physical symptoms were not evident in the triggers related to trauma in daily life, and self-control was enhanced by accurately expressing desires and emotions. This is significant in providing practical data about the use of the psychodrama technique in relieving the post-traumatic stress symptoms in adolescents who has experienced some form of child abuse