Caregiver Adherence to A Home Exercise Program for The Care of Children with Cerebral Palsy

Main Article Content

Diana Lalithabai
Wael M Ammar
Khalid S AlGhamdi
Manal A AlGhouth


Background: Home exercise programs (HEP) are essential in managing cerebral palsy(CP), and caregivers who care for the children at home play a significant role in HEP. But, some factors contribute to adhering to home exercise programs (HEP). It is essential to identify the factors associated with adherence. This research aims to assess caregiver adherence to home exercise programs for children with cerebral palsy and the factors influencing it.

Methods: The research was conducted with 150 participants using a cross-sectional survey design. A previous study's self-reported questionnaire examined the caregivers' adherence to the home exercise program and the factors contributing to adherence by the caregivers.

Results: The study found that most caregivers129 (89.6%) had a thorough knowledge of the exercise program. However, 92 (63.9%) caregivers were non-adherent, while only 52 (36.1%) were adherent to the exercise program and could not predict any significant association with their sociodemographic characteristics. Both the groups (non-adherent and adherent reported overall satisfaction with the attention from the physiotherapist. Backward step regression also predicted the significant association of non-adherence with the parent as caregiver. The factors that influence adherence to the home exercise program’ were knowledge about the home exercise program ‘confidence in performing the home exercise program and support from the partner.’

Conclusion: The study concludes that the low adherence to the home exercise program was caused by several factors involving the caregiver, the therapist, and the exercise regimen. Exercise therapy knowledge, parents' confidence, and support from the partner enhanced adherence to exercise therapy.

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How to Cite
Diana Lalithabai, Wael M Ammar, Khalid S AlGhamdi, & Manal A AlGhouth. (2024). Caregiver Adherence to A Home Exercise Program for The Care of Children with Cerebral Palsy. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 7(1), 17–25.
Author Biographies

Diana Lalithabai

Nursing Education Administration, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Wael M Ammar

Nursing Educator, Nursing Education & Practice Improvement Administration, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh

Khalid S AlGhamdi

Vice President of Nursing Affairs, Riyadh Second Health Cluster &Executive Director of Nursing, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Manal A AlGhouth

Physical Therapist, Physical Therapy Department, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


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