The Competence To Apply Mindfulness-Based Therapy In Counseling Practice: A Vietnamese Case

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Tat Thien Do
Thanh Nghia Lam
Thien Vu Giang
Minh Khoi Nguyen


Background: Mindfulness-based therapy has gained popularity as an effective approach in promoting mental health and reducing stress. However, little is known about counseling practitioners' competence in applying mindfulness-based therapy in Vietnam, an emerging nation with a growing interest in mental health services. This study aimed to assess the current status of counseling practitioners' competence in using mindfulness-based therapy in their counseling practices.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 58 counseling practitioners from hospitals, psychological clinics, and schools in Vietnam. Participants completed a questionnaire based on Benjamin Bloom's taxonomy to assess their competence at three cognitive levels: Remember, Understand, and Apply. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data.

Results: The results showed that the participants had an average level of competence in applying mindfulness-based therapy. They demonstrated better understanding and application skills compared to recall ability. Older and more experienced practitioners showed higher competence levels. However, gender differences were observed in the understanding of mindfulness-based therapy.

Conclusion: This study highlights the need for improved training opportunities and supervision to enhance counseling practitioners' competence in using mindfulness-based therapy in Vietnam. The findings contribute to the development and integration of evidence-based mindfulness practices in the country's mental health services.


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How to Cite
Tat Thien Do, Thanh Nghia Lam, Thien Vu Giang, & Minh Khoi Nguyen. (2024). The Competence To Apply Mindfulness-Based Therapy In Counseling Practice: A Vietnamese Case. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 7(1), 01–09.
Author Biographies

Tat Thien Do

Ho Chi Minh University of Education

Thanh Nghia Lam

Ho Chi Minh University of Education

Thien Vu Giang

Ho Chi Minh University of Education

Minh Khoi Nguyen

Ho Chi Minh University of Education


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