Social and Futuristic Impact of the Effectiveness of Drones and Their Management

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Sunil Sharma, Sanjay Gahtori, Rahul Pandey


Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are flying machines that lack a crew, passenger, or skilled operator. A surface microprocessor and telecommunications equipment are included with autonomous drone systems. In this paper, the author studied a wide range of subjects, including history, utilization, intelligent systems for military and private use, as well as many nations and their military forces, and how various enterprises are efficiently employing drones. The author discovered that a number of countries, including the United States and India, have considerable drone populations and participate in the import and sale of drones to other nations. A number of industries, particularly irrigation, transportation, and photography, employ drones. In order to be deployed by the government and businesses in the future, drone technology will cost billions of dollars. The Future potential of this is it can be used in future research also to study and get deep knowledge of security.

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How to Cite
Sunil Sharma, Sanjay Gahtori, Rahul Pandey. (2023). Social and Futuristic Impact of the Effectiveness of Drones and Their Management. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(2s), 123–126. Retrieved from