Sexual Satisfaction Among Women: A Qualitative Study

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Isha Dodia


Indian sexual health is given less concern considering the existing pieces of literature. Sexual satisfaction or sex-related activities are largely disdained when women are involved. India is one of the developing countries, and young women continue to marry or get involved in relationships at younger ages for love or with the help of their community. This research aims to gain a deep understanding of how women perceive, understand, and engage in sexual behavior and intercourse which marks the difference between married and unmarried women. In today’s era, where women understand their rights and practice them radically, this research envisions bringing light to a highly criticized and conservative idea of women engaging in sexual behavior. With sexual behavior, sexual preference, and sexual satisfaction this study also intends to shed light on sexual safety, STIs, HPV and other vaccinations, HIV and AIDS, and many precautionary principles and the attitude of women towards them.

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How to Cite
Isha Dodia. (2023). Sexual Satisfaction Among Women: A Qualitative Study. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(8s), 924–933.
Author Biography

Isha Dodia

Faculty, Department of Psychology, S.S. & L.S. Patkar College of Arts &; Science, Mumbai,400062, India


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