Investigating The Efficacy Of Yoga As An Intervention For Cervical Pain Management: An Experimental Research Study
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Cervical pain, a common musculoskeletal disorder, poses a significant burden on individuals' daily functioning and quality of life. While conventional treatments offer relief, complementary approaches like yoga have gained attention for their potential benefits. This experimental research study aims to investigate the efficacy of yoga as an intervention for cervical pain management. Participants with chronic cervical pain will be recruited and randomly assigned to either a yoga intervention group or a control group. Pain levels, functional disability, and quality of life will be assessed at baseline, post-intervention, and follow-up periods. The study hypothesizes that participants in the yoga Experimental group will experience greater reductions in pain intensity and functional disability, as well as improvements in quality of life, compared to the control group. Findings from this study could contribute to the evidence base supporting the integration of yoga into cervical pain management strategies.
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