“Customers Perception Towards Online Payment System In Tumkur District Of Karnataka”

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Technology has started to play a significant role in the development of newer payment and settlement methods. Today, innovative products such as e-banking and e-payments have been introduced for this purpose. Internet banking has been the predominant mode of e-banking in India, with the Internet itself offering itself as a new delivery mechanism for banks in reaching out to customers. Electronic business models are replacing the conventional banking system and almost all banks are rethinking business process designs and customer relationship management strategies. Online banking which provides various online electronic channels for using banking services like ATM, credit card, debit card, internet banking, mobile banking, electronic fund transfer, electronic clearing services etc. but as per Indian e-banking scenario ATM is most recognized than other e-channels. However, Internet banking is one of the best alternatives to traditional banking. The studies focus on the perception of consumers towards the online payment system.

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How to Cite
VIJAYAKUMAR. (2022). “Customers Perception Towards Online Payment System In Tumkur District Of Karnataka”. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 5(2s), 694–698. https://doi.org/10.53555/jrtdd.v5i2s.3012


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