Impact of Prolonged Mental Torture on Housewives in Middle Class Families

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Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Kawal Preet Singh, Shruti Sharma


Many individuals across the globe are affected by violence and torture, which may be detrimental to their mental health. While studies have shown that specific traumatic experiences can bring on psychiatric disorders, any traumatic event can set off a cascade of negative emotions that can strain relationships at home and lead to missed work. Stressors and an individual's basic character determine whether or not they experience mental symptoms.

From a medical or health perspective, it has been shown that the psychological effects of torture are the most debilitating for individuals who make it through the trauma. Research has shown that men and women may have distinct experiences and reactions to the same situations. Women were subjected to more psychological abuse and suffered a wider spectrum of psychosomatic and psychological disorders during their detention and after their release, according to a study of torture victims conducted in South Africa. Another research found that victims of sexual assault had trouble sleeping and had terrible dreams. They were also discovered to be permanently sad.

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How to Cite
Deshmukh Ajay, Kshirsagar Sharad, Kawal Preet Singh, Shruti Sharma. (2023). Impact of Prolonged Mental Torture on Housewives in Middle Class Families. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(4s), 01–07. Retrieved from