Mitigation of Physical Risks on Tracks, Cycle Paths and Pedestrian Sidewalks, Caused by Falling of Boulders, Gravel, Sand, Silt and Clay from the Scarp and Crown of the Miraflores Malecon – Lima

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Tomás Ezequiel Gallarday Bocanegra, Ciro Sergio Bedia Guillen, José Ronald Vásquez Sánchez, Luis Francisco Díaz Padilla, Cleto Mauricio Vidal López


This work was carried out in the Miraflores district, in which we studied an old sector of the alluvial fan of the Rímac River, which belongs to the area of interest, which is the sea cliffs. That, verified in situ, there are clayey, silty, sandy and pebble horizons with different granulometry, which have different bearing capacity indices up to 8kg/cm2, when collecting data with the Prima 100, is similar to the resistance of the soil in the Historic Center of Lima; which in the XIX - XX centuries were good aquifers.

In Miraflores the growth of their houses is vertical and their population located in them requires more and more water, which is obtained by pumping aquifers with lenticular geometry in series from surface to depth, a fact that originated the decrease in the piezometric level, evidenced in the marine escarpments of its cliff, where travertines are present in crusts and leachate spills that are visible.

The present project was concluded in which we indicated the causes that originate the falls of rocks from the cliff, to achieve this we mapped and determined the areas of greatest erosion, caused by marine dynamics, added the calculations with the values obtained in UNI laboratories

– UNMSM, result of the in situ sampling where the PRIMA 100 was used, reinforced by the analysis of the IGP seismic wave train plans. Googleearth, Googleearth-pro, Googlemaps, in the end we produced this report where we proposed rules to mitigate risks and prevent future loss of human life.

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Tomás Ezequiel Gallarday Bocanegra, Ciro Sergio Bedia Guillen, José Ronald Vásquez Sánchez, Luis Francisco Díaz Padilla, Cleto Mauricio Vidal López. (2023). Mitigation of Physical Risks on Tracks, Cycle Paths and Pedestrian Sidewalks, Caused by Falling of Boulders, Gravel, Sand, Silt and Clay from the Scarp and Crown of the Miraflores Malecon – Lima. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6(4s), 385–391. Retrieved from