A Psychological Study of Subjectivity about the Grandparent-Headed Family of Nurses
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Background/Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the subjectivity of the grandparent-headed family perceived by nurses, describe the characteristics of each type, and identify the classification of the grandparent-headed family.
Methods/Statistical Analysis: This study applied Q-methodology to describe the characteristics by type and to classify the grandparent-headed family. Twenty nurses currently working in hospitals who agreed to respond were requested to classify 38 statements about the grandparent-headed family. Collected data was analyzed by principal component factor analysis by PC QUANL Program.
Findings: As a result of this study, nurses' perception of the grandparent-headed family was divided into three factors. The results showed three factors and explained 35.14% of the total variable. The first factor was 18.06%, the second factor was 10.17%, and the third factor was 6.91%. Since the first factor had an explanatory power of 18.06%, it can be considered as the factor that most explains the grandparent-headed family. The types of subjectivity for the Grandparent-headed family are 'a type of positive perception of the Grandparent-headed family', 'a type of perception of the need for political support for the Grandparent-headed family', and 'a type of concern about realistic pros and cons'.
Improvements/Applications: This study supplied basic materials for understanding and educating clinical nurses about the emerging grandparent-headed family. It also suggested the need to develop strategies to improve awareness of the grandparent-headed family.